The Linux AWK Command – Linux and Unix Usage Syntax Examples

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In this beginner-friendly guide, you'll learn the very basics of the awk command. You'll also see some of the ways you can use it when dealing with text.

Let's get started!

What is the awk command?

awk is a scripting language, and it is helpful when working in the command line. It's also a widely used command for text processing.

When using awk, you are able to select data – one or more pieces of individual text – based on a pattern you provide.

For example, some of the operations you can do with awk are searching for a specific word or pattern in a piece of text given, or even select a certain line or a certain column in a file you provide.

The Basic Syntax of the awk command

In its simplest form, the awk command is followed by a set of single quotation marks and a set of curly braces, with the name of the file you want to search through mentioned last.

It looks something like this:

awk '{action}' your_file_name.txt

When you want to search for text that has a specific pattern or you're looking for a specific word in the text, the command would look something like this:

awk '/regex pattern/{action}' your_file_name.txt

How to create a sample file

To create a file in the command line, you use the touch command.
For example: touch filename.txt where filename, is the name of your file.

You can then use the open command (open filename.txt), and a word processor program like TextEdit will open where you can add the contents of the file.

So, say you have a text file, information.txt, that contains data separated into different columns.

The file contents could look something like this:

fristName       lastName        age     city       ID

    Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400
    Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600
    Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

In my example, there is one column for firstName, lastName, age, city, and ID.

At any time, you can view the output of the contents of your file by typing cat text_file, where text_file is the name of your file.

How to print all the contents of the file using awk

To print all the contents of a file, the action you specify inside the curly braces is print $0.

This will work in exactly the same way as the cat command mentioned previously.

awk '{print $0}' information.txt


fristName       lastName        age     city       ID

    Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400
    Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600
    Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

If you would like each line to have a line-number count, you would use the NR built-in variable:

awk '{print NR,$0}' information.txt
1 fristName     lastName        age     city       ID
    3 Thomas        Shelby          30      Rio        400
    4 Omega         Night           45      Ontario    600
    5 Wood          Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A
    6 Giorgos       Georgiou        35      London     300
    7 Timmy         Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

How to print specific columns using awk

When using awk, you can specify certain columns you want printed.

To have the first column printed, you use the command:

awk '{print $1}' information.txt



The $1 stands for the first field, in this case the first column.

To print the second column,you would use $2:

awk '{print $2}' information.txt




The way awk determines where each column starts and ends is with a space, by default.

To print more than one column, for example the first and forth columns, you would do:

awk '{print $1, $4}' information.txt


fristName city

    Thomas    Rio
    Omega     Ontario
    Wood      Lisbon
    Giorgos   London
    Timmy     Berlin

The $1 represents the first input field (first column), and the $4 represents the forth. You separate them with a comma, $1,$4, so the output has a space and is more readable.

To print the last field (the last column), you can also use $NF which represents the last field in a record:

awk '{print $NF}' information.txt




How to print specific lines of a column

You can also specify the line you want printed from your chosen column:

awk '{print $1}' information.txt | head -1



Let's break that command down. awk '{print $1}' information.txt prints the first column. Then the output of that command (which you saw earlier on) is piped, using the pipe symbol |, to the head command, where its -1 argument selects the first line of the column.

If you wanted two lines printed, you'd do:

awk '{print $1}' information.txt | head -2



How to print out lines with a specific pattern in awk

You can print a line that starts with a specific letter.

For example:

awk '/^O/' information.txt


Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600

That command selects any line with text that starts with an O.

You use the up arrow symbol (^) first, which indicates the beginning of a line, and then the letter you want a line to start with.

You can also print a line that ends in a specific pattern:

awk '/0$/' information.txt


Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400
    Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300

This prints out the lines that end in a 0 – the $ symbol is used after a character to siginify how a line will end.

That command could also be changed to:

awk '! /0$/' information.txt

The ! is used as a NOT, so in this case it selects the lines that DON'T end in a 0.

fristName       lastName        age     city       ID

    Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

How to use regular expressions in awk

To output words that contain certain letters and print out words that match a pattern you specify, you again use the slashes, //, shown previously.

If you want to look for words containing on, you'd do:

awk ' /io/{print $0}' information.txt


Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400
    Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300

This matches all entries that contain io.

Say you had an extra column – a department column:

fristName       lastName        age     city       ID   department

    Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400  IT
    Omega           Night           45      Ontario    600  Design
    Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A  IT
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300  Data
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A  Engineering

To find all the information of people working in IT, you would need to speficy the string you're searching for between the slashes, //:

awk '/IT/' information.txt


Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400  IT
    Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A  IT

What if you wanted to see only the first and last names of the people working in IT?

You can specify the column like such:

awk '/IT/{print $1, $2}' information.txt


Thomas Shelby
    Wood   Tinker

This will only display the first and second columns where IT appears, instead of presenting all fields.

When searching for words with a specific pattern, there may be times when you'll need to use an escape character, like such:

awk '/N\/A$/' information.txt


Wood            Tinker          54      Lisbon     N/A
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

I wanted to find lines that end with the pattern N/A.

So, when searching between the ' // ' like shown so far, I had to use an escape character (\) between N/A, otherwise I would've gotten an error.

How to use comparisson operators in awk

If, for example, you wanted to find all the information of employees that were under the age of 40, you would use the < comparisson operator like so:

awk '$3 <  40 { print $0 }' information.txt


Thomas          Shelby          30      Rio        400
    Giorgos         Georgiou        35      London     300
    Timmy           Turner          32      Berlin     N/A

The output shows only the information of people under 40.


And there you have it! You now know the absolute basics to start working with awk and manipulate text data.

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